DS-Concept has partnered with Blue Lab in Amsterdam. Blue Lab is part of Denim City, the umbrella organization consisting of five pillars including Workshop, Denim Institute, Blue Lab, Embassy and Jean School. Blue Lab is a unique and independent denim washing-design laboratory, providing trend analysis, R&D, sustainability, washing design and laboratory training services to brands, students, academics and industry experts.
Part of the Denim City mission statement is “towards a brighter blue”, which is aiming at developing more sustainable production techniques for the denim industry.
DS-Concept is providing working capital solutions for the textile and apparel industry ever since its foundation in 2000. Up until today, the textile and apparel industry still contributes to a large extent to the companies’ turnover.
Therefore it is inevitable to stay informed about the latest trends and production techniques within the textile industry in order to understand the customer’s wants and needs. “We are very excited to be part of such an elaborate concept which not only promotes a greener production of denim but also brings together prestigious brands, industry experts and students with the purpose of learning from each other and to facilitate the processes along the value chain” states Ansgar Hütten, Executive Director of the DS-Concept Global Group. “Moreover, we believe in the leaders of tomorrow and are convinced that Blue Lab provides an excellent platform for experts and becoming experts to exchange ideas.
The DS-Concept Group maintains a network of offices and affiliates all over the world, including USA, Bulgaria, Hungary, Middle East, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Spain, UK, China and the United Arab Emirates as well as the headquarters in Germany. Combining credit protection, collections, and financing into a single suite of trade finance products, DS-Concept brings streamlined, flexible and best-in-class services to the world’s exporters.